Everything You Need to Know About Chemical Facial Peels

A chemical peel is a chemical exfoliation of the skin used to reduce the appearance of sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone and texture, hormonal or acne scarring, and melasma.  


How does it work:

A chemical peel is a skincare treatment that exfoliates the skin by using an acid. The acid removes a large amount of damaged skin cells across the treated area. There are many different types of acids that can be used to treat different skin conditions. A licensed professional will determine which one is best for your skin based on the skin type and skin condition. These are big words, but the practice of receiving a peel for the face is fairly common.

What to expect: 

A chemical peel is performed by a licensed skincare professional.  A chemical solution is applied to the skin being treated with a sponge, gauze, cotton pad, or brush.  During the peel, you may experience a slight tingling sensation or a burning sensation depending on the strength of the peel.  The length of time the solution is left on the skin is determined carefully by observing the changes in the appearance of your skin.  The skincare professional will then neutralize the peel by using a solution that will bring the PH level to the skin back to normal, which means the peel will stop working on the skin and you will not feel a tingling or burning sensation anymore.  The skin may be slightly pink or blotchy right after the treatment but should subside in a few hours.  Depending on the depth of the peel you may experience some flaking or peeling of the skin which will last a different amount of time for each individual.  There are many post-procedure skincare products that are best to use after a chemical peel that a skincare professional will go over with you after your treatment.

Call to schedule your free skin consultation today!

Phone: 610.875.6471


Sleep Detail: Part Two


Sleep Detail: Part One